Ian is flexible and will work with whatever room and audio-visual set up you have planned for the rest of your event.  That said, in an ideal world Ian works like this:


  • Ian will bring his slide images on a memory-stick. A screen at the front of the room with a projector positioned and focussed corectly will be needed
  • Conference rooms with natural daylight and windows onto the oustide world help to maintain motivation levels
  • Sweets and sugary snacks during workshops have the opposite effect and can hamper concentration


  • Ian will bring a laptop and his slide images on a memory-stick. A screen at the front of the room with a projector positioned and focussed correctly is required.
  • A wireless lapel or tie-clip microphone is ideal; Ian tends to move about during presentations and handheld and fixed microphones limit the impact of his talks.
  • A remote slide-clicker is preferred but not essential.
  • The first row of chairs placed 6-10 feet in front of the stage.
  • Ian likes to be well lit, but also likes to communicate with the audience and therefore a dazzling wall of light and an audience who are in total darkness, make that extremely difficult. Ideally Ian likes the house lights at a level where he can just see the audience, interact with them, and gauge their reactions. (In a less formal presentations, natural light for everybody is fine.)
  • Depending on the keynote briefing, Ian will need 4 chairs discreetly available beside the stage
  • If there is a lecturn on the stage, have it set back from the front so Ian can move in front of it
  • Ian does not use autocue, but a timer running will mean Ian finishes bang on time - to the minute!

Please feel free to call Ian to talk any of these details through.